Hynotherapy by Wayne Martin in Fort Worth, Texas
Overcome severe pain, anxiety, insomnia, and stress with hypnotherapy through safe and tested self-hypnosis techniques, guided by a therapist with decades of experience.
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Thanks to Hollywood, most people have inaccurate ideas about hypnosis. To be clear, hypnotherapy is not:
a sleep-like state where you don't know what's happening
giving up control to someone else
an ability you either have or don't have
a magical cure for ________ (fill in the blank)
In Fort Worth, we like what's practical and useful. Hypnotherapy is:
a focused state of mind where you are in charge
increased control over your own mind or body
a skill you grow through practice
a natural way to treat problems like stress, insomnia, and pain
well researched and scientifically validated
I believe almost all hypnosis is self-hypnosis: I serve as a guide through out our hypnotherapy session, leading you into a unique kind of mental focus. A hypnotic state can occur by using the power of just words - and your way into this state of mind is unique to you. It is very pleasant and relaxing. This tool has helped me to overcome severe pain, undergo surgical procedures without anesthetic, and I perform self-hypnosis almost every day to quickly relax.
When we use hypnosis together, we first talk through your goals and work through any questions or concerns you may have. (There’s a lot of misinformation in TV shows and on the web about hypnosis that can cause people to feel guarded about it.) Then when you’re ready, we begin to focus our mental powers on increasing your control and influence over what's been concerning you. I start by leading you into a nice relaxed mental state. Then when you’re comfortable and focused, I offer hypnotic suggestions to unlock the change you want. (Of course, they're only suggestions and not commands because you are free to do whatever you like!) When we're finished, you feel relaxed, strong, and confident to enact the changes you seek!
This relaxed state has been known to help with problems such as pain management, stress management, phobias, substance abuse and can improve sleep, behavioral issues and much more. Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss how a state of hypnosis could help you achieve your goals.
(817) 456-3489 2813 South Hulen Street, Suite 230, Fort Worth, TX, 76109